An Early Access Point.
In most states, citizens over 18 must register to vote at least 30 days in advance of the election. We are nearing that deadline. For the general election (First Tuesday after the first Monday in November), voters need not declare a party affiliation. Registration procedures and voting laws differ state to state, so be sure and look into deadlines and rules. Here is a national, government-sponsored site to help.
Questions to Consider:
1. What documents or information do I need to register? How do I register by mail, in person, or via Internet?
2. Where exactly will I vote on election day?
3. What time are the polling places open in my state and what must I take with me to the polls?
4. Should you have to register to vote in advance? Would you support same-day voter registration?
5. If voting was mandatory by law, with an option for “none of the candidates,” would you support this law?