Search Tips

Several ways to search, several things to find.

Search the Daily Briefings to use on any day.

The USGOPO.COM homepage maintains  a 5-day view of the most recent Daily Briefings, but also stores the Daily Briefings—digital bell ringers, practice questions, infographics, and videos—in a collection or database.

When using the Search Box at top right, the 5-post view will initially show only the top 5 posts from your search. Use the red, numbered buttons below the fifth listing to see additional search results.

Or, from any Daily Briefing post, click the Category atop (like “YouTube” or “Multiple-Choice”) or the Tags below (aligned with chapter subjects like “Federalism” or “Civil Rights”), to find Daily Briefings of a certain format or focusing on a particular content area.

The Daily Briefings Schedule and Archive is also useful. You can plan a student activity based on the annual schedule, or browse the links and select desired posts.

In our Units section in the right sidebar you will find student activities, resources, and links.