Who Serves, Where? and What do they do?
Find one government official that serves your community in public office. This person can be elected, appointed, or simply hired, they can serve in the federal, state, or local government. Simply locate them via internet. To find your local government page(s), a Google search with complete and correct spelling of the municipality (town, county, city, township, etc.) and definitely include the state name (how may Springfields are there?). This national site could be a useful link. Always look forĀ a domain ending in “.gov,” and verify you have the right institution. Then decide on an office, department, or representative, and answer the questions below. .
1. What is the official’s name?
2. What area of government does he or she work in, oversee?
3. Quote their job description or mission.
4. List 1 or 2 interesting things about them.
Photo/Image: Parks and Rec actors, by BagoGames, via Creative Commons